Its so important to get involved on your campus. Not only does it help build your resume but it also allows you to gain experiences you may not have otherwise. I have spent my past four years devoted to my sorority, however, some of my friends got involved in other things on campus. One way to get involved and also to benefit you financially is becoming a Residential Success Assistant (RSA) or at some schools an RA. Being an RSA allows you to live on campus for free while watching over and helping your residents to enjoy their dorm experience. Since I was not an RSA, I reached out to one of my friends, Sam DeLiguori, to get her experience and advice for those looking to apply!
What made you apply to become an RSA?
" First I was really good friends with my RA Freshman year. He was just so great. He was had the perfect balance of being our friend, but also being a mentor, which I really appreciated. I also did work study for Res Life in my dorm for the hall director and I became really close with her. I was able to see how much they really do for students that you don't see on your end especially if you're a student that adapts relatively easily. Like, I didn't actually need my RSA so I didn't necessarily know how much they can affect students. So working with the hall director I saw that. Then, I lost one of my very good friends to suicide my freshman year and I just kind of wanted to do anything I could to be a positive impact on people. And knowing the experiences I had with my hall director and my RSA, it just kind of like fell right in my lap. So I figured, why not go for it? The worst thing that happened was I didn't get it and I obviously got it and I can't imagine not having been doing it for the past three years."
How many years have you been an RSA and what would you say your favorite hall to work in was?
"So I've been doing it for three years. My favorite hall, I guess it kind of just depends on what the year. I really loved Frassati/Wiesel. That was my first year. Just because the spaces give you so many opportunities to see residents because there were a lot of study rooms, common spaces to hold programs. My second favorite would probably be PG where I am now. Just because it is like a bit more isolated. Theres a lot more like people are in their rooms here just because there aren't as many places to walk to, so you kind of get close with the people around you a bit easier than in some other buildings."
Have you ever regretted your decision?
"I definitely questioned it a few times, especially during COVID, when a lot of our job was like involving COVID policies. I also questioned it, especially because, like, we couldn't go to other dorm halls and I could never break the rules because I was the person setting the rules. And it definitely put ip a tough wall with me and my friends because I wasn't going to break the rules and they obviously wanted to. But that was never like worth it enough for me, for like the impact that was it was having on me and my residents. It never made me completely question it."
Where there any conflicts you felt overwhelmed dealing with? How did you handle that situation?
"I think I struggled the most my first year because I oversaw the same class year that I was in. So there would be people that were in my class one day and I would have to write them up the next day. And it kind of just puts a very odd dynamic between you and like your fellow classmates. But I was always just open and honest that, like, it's just my job, it's nothing personal. I never had too many issues, but it was very big thing to just get over at first and kind of like get comfortable with what you're doing and making your friends and other classmates comfortable that you have to do what you have to do."
What are the benefits of becoming an RSA?
"There's a really great community amongst Res Life. You spend a lot of time at the beginning of the fall semester in training where you really get to know people. You get trained on a lot of things, that like don't necessarily pertain to what you're doing in school. So like I have a mental health certification, where I learned how to talk someone down from a panic attack and how to talk to people about their mental health. I don't learn this in my business classes so it is super beneficial just my life and the job. And you get to know a lot of people through your job, through like Res Life things throughout the semester. Like there's always a friendly face, like you might not know exactly who they are, but like, you know they're not shy and you can always talk to them. And obviously some people have tough time paying for college, So you get a stipend for doing the job that goes towards room and board, which is obviously super beneficial to everyone that does it."
What would you say to someone who is looking to apply?
"I would say, you know, my motto is just go for it worst thing to happen is nothing in your life changes and you're exactly where you were. But you'd be really surprised how much goes into this job and how much it will have an effect on you and other people around you that like you don't see before you're doing it. People really open up to you. They confide in me about things that I never knew people would come to me about, and its really reassuring that people trust me this much. It gave me the confidence to, I think, be a better person in my everyday life, just knowing what people could be going through. It's something that I'm really glad I did. I hope more people do it and I encourage anyone to just try it."
For those looking to get involved on campus, ask your RSA how you can apply or contact your student union to find clubs and activities that match your interests. Don't spend your nights sitting in the dorm! Get involved on your campus and try new things. These four years will go by so fast and before you know it you will be graduating so take advantage of your campus and the opportunities it has to offer. For more on college life and advice be sure to subscribe to the blog and follow @itsirrellavent on instagram.