Being a college student comes with a lot of stress. It is easy to get swept up in all the different activities and assignments, and sometimes we forget about ourselves. When it comes to time management it is important to include time to rest and relax after a busy week. Here are a few things I do to take some me-time during the semester.

Although a lot of your assignments will include reading, it is really quite relaxing to read a book just for fun. I used to hate reading because I always felt like it was a chore. However, this past summer Book-Tok found its way onto my TikTok "For You" page and I felt out of the loop. I began to read some of the popular books suggested to me and actually grew to like them. Now when I feel like I have been on my computer for way too many hours and my eyes and brain need a break from the screens, I set aside some time before bed to read. I like to read on the couch if my other housemates are doing homework, however, if they are watching tv and I am just feeling overstimulated I go up to my room and read for a few hours before bed.
Another way to find some rest and relaxation while at college is to pick up a new show that you can watch alone. My roommates and I are TV addicts. There is always something on the TV. From the new season of Outer Banks to The Challenge we are always bouncing from one show to the next. It wasn't until I was home alone one day with nothing to do that I realized I haven't watched a show on my own all semester! I decided to watch the Hulu original series Dopesick and absolutely loved it (given the circumstances... it was a very sad show). It is nice to have your own thing that takes you away from the socialization of college. Living with your friends you are practically never alone, having something that you can do by yourself is oftentimes a blessing.

Spa nights are always a good time! I don't know about you but my roommates and I have been obsessed with Alix Earl. Her makeup videos have sparked an entire skincare revolution in our household. I have begun to really value a nightly routine and on nights when I have a lot of time, I like to treat myself to a spa night. Spa nights can be as elaborate or simple as you want. I start my spa night with a long shower using every product I own. Then I like to moisturize my face and body (sometimes I will even self-tan if I am feeling up to it). After that I like to use my face roller and/or my Gua Sha, this is something new I added to my routine thanks to TikTok. Once I am done I will either use a face, lip, or eye mask and lay on my bed. I love meditating after a really busy day, so this would be my time to lay on my bed for five to ten minutes and meditate. Once I am done I put away my robe, get in my pajamas, and go to bed.

Your me-time doesn't have to be right before bed. A great way to take some time for yourself is with your morning coffee. Whether you are looking to get out of the house or like to make your coffee at home, this is a great time to just sit and reflect. I like to take a drive to Starbucks and treat myself to a Matcha Latte every now and then. Listening to a podcast or just some morning tunes on my drive is so relaxing and puts me in such a positive mood for the start of the day. You could also take the time to sit and sip your coffee at home before you even get ready for the day or leave for class. The ten minutes you will take to sip and reflect in the morning will not only help your mindset for the day but also allow you to take your time in the morning. I am pretty much always in a rush when I leave for class, so on the days when I have more time in the morning I love to make my matcha, sit, and sip before I have to get up and go again.
It is so important to take some time for your own well-being. For most of college, I felt like I couldn't do things alone. I spent every moment with my friends and it took a toll on my energy and mental well-being. I learned that I need some space for myself in my life and began to implement moments of me-time into my schedule. Don't be afraid to say no to an event or a night out if you need some time to yourself. You will have so many moments to spend with friends throughout your four years that it is okay to miss a night or two. As a senior the pressure to make this year the best is real! Everyone wants to do everything the school has to offer which I am all for, but sometimes it becomes too much. Take the pressure off and allow yourself time to rest. Implementing some self-care time into your schedule throughout the week will actually make you more inclined to do activities and attend events on the weekends. I can tell you from experience that this time helps not only with burnout but also recharge your social battery for the weekend to come. Rest and reset while listening to My Irrellavent Life on Soundcloud or by checking out more irrelevant content on Instagram @itsirrellavent.